The Quality of Mind Podcast

Which is the best episode for you?

People listen to the Quality of Mind podcast for different reasons, some people are just curious and getting started some people are looking to deepen their understanding

1. "Not Even 5 Minutes" - Podcast Snippets

A excerpt from the episode:

‘The Missing Piece in Creating Better Workshops & Meeting Outcomes”  With Quality of Mind Coach – Frans Rensen

An excerpt from the episode  Our Innocent Mistake with Psychological Safety – Seeking Stability in an Unstable World  A conversation with Joel Drazner’

 The importance of leaders seeing ‘You’ first  

A excerpt from the episode ”What has this got to with how we communicate, lead and turn up at work?”  With Clare Dimond

Ep2: Piers talks about the self and ‘Am I just a thought?’ 

Ep1: Kate Adey is asked About the Game Changing Nature of Quality of Mind  (3min)

Ep 11:  ‘The Unreliable Mind: Why You Can’t Trust Your Thoughts”


A 3 min snippet from the episode ”The Potential Hiding in the Simplicity of Before Psychology. Exploring ‘Extra-Ordinary’ & Effortlessness” with Dr Amy Johnson. Full Episode here

Quality of Mind unlocks the Secret Source to more performance, peace and potential. But it does it in a very transformative, sustainable way, by explore ‘Before Psychology’ but…  …. What is that, and does it help?’

An excerpt from a conversation with Clare Dimond on the episode

”If We Don’t Have Free Will, What is the Point?”

An excerpt from an interview on the Limitless Lives podcast – A conversation with Nilesh Patel

An excerpt from the episode  Can We Really Do Change? A Conversation about Free Will and Being the Doer”  With regular contributor Katrijn Van Oudheudsen.

2. Introduction & Overview to Quality of Mind

Some great questions from the Business Futures podcast on what is Quality of Mind & its relevance

Introduction – What is the role and value of Quality of Mind in businesses and organisations?

Why aren’t we all seeing it yet?

This episode also serves as a helpful overview as to what Quality of Mind can help with

This episode is taken from the  WTF What The Future?! Podcast series. Where Piers was asked to have a real time coaching conversation with three business leaders who were keen to learn more about Quality of Mind

Quality of Mind unlocks the Secret Source to more performance, peace and potential. But it does it in a very transformative, sustainable way, by explore ‘Before Psychology’ but…

 …. What is that, and does it help?’

3. 'LOOKING AT': Workplace Topic3

How does Quality of Mind see the role and key foundations of Listening?

At a time when the world is in virtual lockdown.  How does an understanding of Quality of Mind help us see the role and mechanics of connection

How does Quality of Mind address eliciting a purpose and setting  vision for an organisation?

What is the relevance to Productivity of seeing the role of Quality of Mind?

A chat with an Agile methodology coach who has seen the value in the understanding of Quality of Mind Agile Change

How Quality of Mind sees resilience? How we are innocently teaching people the wrong things about resilience.

How does Quality of Mind see decision making? What is decision making, how come it sometimes feels easy, and other times hard and frustrating? 

What is the relevance to Leadership of seeing the role of Quality of Mind

4. Going Deeper - The Foundations of the Approach

The True Heart of Quality of Mind. A conversation with Rupert Spira

Improving on the Golf course and in the Boardroom – What do we need to realise about nature of reality and ‘ourselves’to unlock more perofrmance and wellbeing

Experience for yourself a real time direct inquiry exploring the nature of what we are

Exploring the Foundation of Quality of Mind – The case of Mistaken Identity  

Exploring the Foundation of Quality of Mind. The Real & Never True nature of reality

5. Everyday Proof - Previous Clients Share their Benefits of QoM

Dramatic Shifts in Productivity, Mental Wellbeing & Purpose from Just 3 Days….An interview with a workshop attendee

The simple, surreal, yet life changing nature of it all. An interview with a  client

A interview with a past client: a Leading Forensic Accountant on what has changed for him since his realisations on QoM

Interview with a past client Simon Terry, owner and MD of Anglepoise Lights talks about his realisations

A client’s Story of Personal and Organisational Transformation:  Mark Lund was President McCann World Group for UK and Europe – with a remit for about 15 businesses and 5,000 people. QoM unlocked the secret source for organisational change

Part 1 of the ‘Behind the Scenes’ mini-series. Chats with a client before, during and after her QoM coaching

Part 2 of the ‘Behind the Scenes’ mini-series. Chats with a client before, during and after her QoM coaching

Part 3 of the ‘Behind the Scenes’ mini-series. Chats with a client before, during and after her QoM coaching

A selection of short client video testimonials

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6. For Coaches and Change Practitioners

In this episode I reconnect with previous show guest Dr Amy Johnson, we discuss the highly relevant question of why we believe ‘Before Psychology’ is so necessary and powerful yet overlooked.

An interview with fellow coach Dominic Scaffidi. How does this understanding transform the transformative effect of coaching.

A discussion to explore what really makes the difference in coaching

What is at the core, behind the ‘magic’ of Quality of Mind? A chat with fellow corporate coach Dominic Scaffidi

Seeing Through Solidity & Limitation – Transformational Coaching Piers and Dominic Scaffidi explore what is truly transformative about coaching from this understanding of Before Psychology and Quality of Mind. It is a deep and sometimes technical conversation about the nature of consciousness, self-limitation, and the essence of being.

The Biggest Myths We Need to Unlearn about Leadership Development. A conversation with katrijn Van Ouheudsen author and coach of ‘self less’ Leadership

This episode with fellow coach and author Naphtali Visser explores how the understanding behind Quality of Mind can make a difference to society and the systems we live in

Transformation: Personal to Systemic- How Quality Of Mind can help Society Change. A conversation with change agent extraordinaire Garry Turner

Part 3 of the ‘Behind the Scenes’ mini-series. Chats with a client before, during and after her QoM coaching
This episode with coach Dre Baldwin, Piers takes the conversation ‘upstream’ to what Dre usually shares as they explore what is behind the creation of principles, structures and discipline needed to achieve in life. The importance of realising one’s true identity as awareness itself, rather than the separate self, to attain psychological freedom and flow.
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