The Quality of Mind Podcast
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People listen to the Quality of Mind podcast for different reasons, some people are just curious and getting started some people are looking to deepen their understanding
1. "Not Even 5 Minutes" - Podcast Snippets
The Secret Source – How Quality of Mind enabled organisational and personal transformation
Toggle ContentEp 11: ‘The Unreliable Mind: Why You Can’t Trust Your Thoughts”
A 3 min snippet from the episode ”The Potential Hiding in the Simplicity of Before Psychology. Exploring ‘Extra-Ordinary’ & Effortlessness” with Dr Amy Johnson. Full Episode here
An excerpt from an interview on the Limitless Lives podcast – A conversation with Nilesh Patel
- Link to the full episode
2. Introduction & Overview to Quality of Mind
3. 'LOOKING AT': Workplace Topic3
4. Going Deeper - The Foundations of the Approach
5. Everyday Proof - Previous Clients Share their Benefits of QoM
A client’s Story of Personal and Organisational Transformation: Mark Lund was President McCann World Group for UK and Europe – with a remit for about 15 businesses and 5,000 people. QoM unlocked the secret source for organisational change
A selection of short client video testimonials